Maeve is simply brilliant at what she does, and has helped me enormously in building confidence and skill in my voice work.
— Clive Johnson



Want to change your relationship with your voice and voice work?

You see, I don’t see voice work as ‘work’ at all. I see it as an exploration of how we’re showing up in the world, both as ourselves and our characters. An open ended adventure. A journey that evolves and develops over time and embraces curiosity, courage, compassion and connection.

My signature, buildable, coaching programme, Discover > Explore > Embody is specially crafted to guide you on that journey; to take you from believing your voice is your weakest link to knowing it’s your greatest asset.

Bespoke, highly personalised, one-to-one coaching, teaching and support that puts me right in your back pocket as you embark on a journey of really getting to know your voice.



What if, two or three months from now, you had a completely different relationship with your voice? That you no longer saw it as the thing that ‘gets in the way’ of your performances but rather as your way in?

This programme has a simple but golden guarantee: to help you build a more empowered relationship with your voice.

At its core, Discover is actually a journey of rediscovery.

Its key ingredients are compassionate curiosity and time.

Time to:

  • recover a sense of safety and trust in your voice (and voice work!)

  • identify and release your hidden blocks

  • reveal and nurture your true voice; the one that feels and sounds like you and responds to your truest impulses.

Discover helps you to uncover your voice so you can start to Explore it...

    • whatsapp voice note and email support

    • fortnightly 60 minute Zoom sessions

    • audio recording of each session

    • detailed notes, resources & action plan after each session


    • whatsapp voice note and email support

    • 2 x 3 week blocks of weekly 60 minute Zoom sessions

      break week in middle to let things settle & percolate

    • audio recordings of each session

    • detailed notes, resources & action plan after each session




In Explore we’ll cover the same juicy ground as in Discover* and build on it by:

  • delving into the vast potential of your voice

  • deepening your trust in its capabilities

  • exploring the elements that comprise a healthy, communicative voice (such as posture, breath, support and articulation)

  • empowering you with a clearer understanding of how it all works

  • developing a repertoire of tools and practices to ensure your voice is best serving you whilst you’re taking good care of it

    • whatsapp voice note and email support

    • fortnightly 60 minute Zoom sessions

    • audio recording of each session

    • detailed notes, resources & action plan after each session


    • whatsapp voice note and email support

    • 3 x 3 week blocks of weekly 60 minute Zoom sessions

    • 2 break weeks in between to let things settle & percolate

    • audio recordings of each session

    • detailed notes, resources & action plan after each session


*INTERESTED IN Explore & ALREADY DONE discover OR ONE OF MY FORMER PACKAGES? no problem! just Make it clear in your application that you’re interested in a stand alone version of Explore



Feeling empowered and connected vocally when doing your voice work and exercises is one thing, taking that connection with you to your acting work can feel like something different entirely.

Embody is all about connecting the dots between your voice work and acting work.

We’ll cover the same juicy ground as in Discover & Explore* before working together to find the best way to integrate all this voice stuff with your acting stuff.

I’ve yet to meet two actors with the exact same approach to acting. The steps you take to ensure your voice consistently comes along for the ride are likely to be just as personal and unique.

No matter how we get there, this programme will help you develop an arsenal of tools, processes and strategies that are suited to you and that empower you to consistently:

  • ensure your body mind and voice are working in tandem

  • find and Embody the voice of your characters

  • be open to respond to and vocally reflect your impulses

  • truly Embody and give voice to your intentions / actions / tactics

  • gain ownership of the words of your scripts

  • ensure your performances are clear and specific

Embody is the antidote to being in your head.

    • whatsapp voice note and email support

    • fortnightly 60 minute Zoom sessions

    • audio recordings of each session

    • detailed notes, resources & action plan after each session


    • whatsapp voice note and email support

    • 4 x 3 week blocks of weekly 60 minute Zoom sessions

      3 break weeks in between to let things settle & percolate

    • audio recordings of each session

    • detailed notes, resources & action plan after each session


INTERESTED IN Embody & ALREADY DONE discover &/Or Explore OR ONE OF MY FORMER PACKAGES? no problem! just Make it clear in your application that you’re interested in a stand alone version of Embody



Wondering what working with me might be like?